Hallo! My name is Kelly. I grew up in New Orleans, LA. I married my husband Billy in Oct 2000 in N.O. We have three children and have moved from Abita, Springs, Louisiana to Stuttgart, Germany. This is something we have dreamed about and it is our first expat experience. I hope everyone enjoys reading about our adventures because I am very excited to share.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ready for Takeoff! And Landing!!!!

Actual dates of this event May 23-26

We are preparing to leave and trying to see everyone that is dear to us and say our goodbyes. On Wednesday we headed to Biloxi for a night at Imperial Palace with Grammy, my mom. We swam and enjoyed the heat before moving to colder weather......Brrrrrrrrrr
We had a great time eating lots of junk food and yummy cocktails and playing mini golf!

Sunday, May 26, Departure Day. We arrived at the airport at 9:30 am for our 11:15 flight to Atlanta. Donna and my mom drove the boys, Bella (our dog), and myself. Blair's friend Lacey was nice enough to drive Blair and transport a portion of our 14 pieces of luggage. When we made it to the airport the Delta Check in lady informed us that since we were military she could issue passes for Blair's 2 friends and Donna and my mom to walk us to the gate! SCORE!!!! What a surprise!

At 11:00 we boarded for ATLANTA , we couldn't have asked for a smoother flight. When we arrived in Atlanta , Tanya was there to meet us. She greeted us with a bowl for Bella to have drink, cards and candy for the kids and magazines for me to read on the long journey, along with the complete itinerary for the month of June. Yes, Tanya and her children make their way here on Wednesday , June 5... We were able to have lunch and visit with Tanya and take Bella for one nice last walk:)

At 5:20 our flight left for Germany. This was probably the best flight I have ever had. There was so much entertainment available. Every seat had its own television with about 15 new movie choices, several music options and game options. Not a one of us felt the need to use our Ipad.

We landed in Stuttgart 40 minutes early at 8:00 am and breezed through customs, even with our dog and all the horror stories we have been told..... Not one single issue, literally everything about the traveling adventure could not have gone smoother, the dog slept the entire flight with just one Dramamine:) soooo relieved!!

Now we are in Germany waiting for our 12 checked bags and we can see through the glass, no Billy anywhere. This freaked me out a bit considering we literally have no means of communication, luckily a few minutes later he showed up , we had not even received our first bag when he arrived. The problem was he had no idea our flight landed almost an hour early. We actually got all of our 12 checked bags, nothing lost and nothing missing! Whew! So far so good.

It was so great to finally see Billy, we have definitely missed him these last 7 weeks!!!

Our first stop was a German McDonalds, the boys slept through breakfast on the plane. It was strange to hear Billy order completely in German, very impressive:). We then went straight to the hotel where we showered and rested a few hours before heading out to explore......

More to come on the exploring adventures later . Thanks for reading. Sorry if I am rambling at all but I am new at this:)











  1. CanNOT wait to read more! I am so thrilled for you! Love the pic of all of the luggage! I bet Billy is so glad y'all are with him now :) Keep it up, Kel!

  2. Yes, Billy is definitely excited:) I hate that I will not have Internet access for a few days so I will fall further behind:( thanks for all your support:)

  3. I love this!! So glad we get to have all the details and pictures. Can't wait to see all of Germany with your guys!

  4. Great job Kelly. Looking forward to reading about all the details of your experiences. Love you

  5. Glad things went good. Thanks for sharing with me.

  6. Loved your blog. So great to hear that your move went smoothly. I'm sure that you are missing the heat and the humidity. Tom has requested that Amanda provide a comment box for the grill. I'm sure she will accomadate Tom. There is a void at the club without you. You are greatly missed. Tonight is Creole Family Night, we chose not to go. We would rather blog with you. Enjoy your adventure.
    Tom and Eileen

  7. Thanks Tom & Eileen, you guys are the best . We have zero heat and very little sun but we are loving it. Take care and yes I am sure Amanda will be glad to accommodate you:)

  8. So glad everything went well. I know you guys are enjoying this new adventure and can't wait to see more posts and pictures. Love to all.
